Now I'm on the road. Making art absorbs me entirely and when I'm on, I follow myself to uncharted places where I am provoked, engaged, then ultimately filled. I chase after myself to see what I am up to; sometimes I find out. Most recently I am working on a collection of Poetry, tentatilvely titled: A Tutti-fruitti Tutledge. Making art is the second best part of being human.
Originally, I'm from Minnesota. As a child, I was often left to my own devices and spent much of my time in the Natural World. That hasn't changed. Traveling extensively has opened my world view. I have been influenced by the abundant creativity found in New Mexico and really in so many places. I am regularly astonished by what I find in my travels and my ongoing love affair with the Earth grows more passionate.
Writing poems has my attention right now. My ritual is to write for two hours, often at 5 a.m. Within me, there is a collaboration which includes the Divine.